Robot that can swim thorugh your Body

scientists from chienese university of hong kong created a spiral microbot that can swim through human body helps them deliver drugs or surgery of particular part.
For that they manipulated spirulina, a microscopic plant and food supplement, to travel through people in response to magnetic signals.
The biohybrid robot could one day carry drugs to specific parts of the body, minimizing side effects. What’s more, the robot—and its magnetic coat—appear to kill cancer cells.Spirulina, an alga, looks like a tiny coiled spring at the microscopic level. Researchers had been trying, and succeeding to various degrees, to build bots out of rods, tubes, spheres, and even cages no bigger than a cell. Outfitting these tiny devices with an ample power supply has been quite a challenge, as most potential fuels are toxic to humans, and another major problem is how to steer it in the body’s maze of proteins and other molecules, which requires both a way to control its movements and to see where it is.
“It’s a step forward that you can track these swimmers in the body,” says Joseph Wang, a nanoengineer at the University of California, San Diego, who is developing a different sort of medical microbot. “And it’s biocompatible and low cost.”
That biocompatibility is an important feature. The microrobot degrades in hours or days, depending on how thick the coating is; yet it doesn’t damage most cells.


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